Testing Information
SAT Information
The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper entrance exam used by colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. After the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 85% of four-year colleges became test optional (not requiring an SAT or ACT exam score to apply).
Ask Mrs. Crandall-Bean for a fee waiver if you receive free or reduced lunch.
ACT Information
The ACT is accepted at colleges and universities as equallay as the SAT examination. If you are strong with Science courses, you may prefer this exam over the SAT. Consider taking it as some students perform better on this exam than they do on the SAT.
The PSAT is a practice attempt for the SAT college entrance exam.
Who takes the PSAT?
Typically college-bound sophomores and juniors take the PSAT in the fall and then juniors take the SAT and/or ACT in the spring.
How do I sign up?
Please sign up for the test in the HS Guidance Office or via Remind, text, Teams or e-mail.
Testing occur in the fall. BR has budgeted to cover the fee for you to take this exam once. If you decide to take it the following year, you would be required to pay the fee.
You receive a PSAT prep book when you sign up for the exam from Mrs. Bean and after taking the PSAT, College Board will link you to Khan Academy for free individualized SAT test practice specific to your areas of weakness.
Please feel free to call the Guidance Office at 928-2985 any time you have questions about college entrance exams.
PSAT Links
CLEP Tests
CLEP stands for College Level Examination Program. This program allows students to take computerized tests in order to earn college credits.
CLEP Test Info
CLEP As of spring 2016, we are a "CLOSED" CLEP test center, only testing our own BRCS students in-house. Adult testers can contact Alfred State College's Continuing Ed Office for CLEP testing.
Information about CLEP tests can be found at: https://clep.collegeboard.org.
Please contact Mrs. Crandall-Bean at 585-928-2985 or ccbean@bolivarrichburg.org with any questions you may have.
Regents Exams
Regents Reminders
Pens and Pencils: Please bring blue or black ink pens, along with pencils, to each of your exams.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast will be served each morning from 7:30 – 8:00.
Lunch is available each afternoon until 12:20.
The bus schedule will remain the same, with buses leaving after dismissal at 3:10. If you are taking a morning exam and you need a ride home, you may get lunch in the cafeteria and then stay in the library until 3:10.
If you are taking a morning exam, and you sign out at the table to leave, the school is NOT RESPONSIBLE for your student.