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Career & Academic Resources

ASVAB Career Exploration
ASVAB Career Exploration The ASVAB Career Exploration program is one we will be using this winter with all juniors. It is a free program which provides assistance with college and career exploration.

Career One Stop
The Career One Stop website allows students and parents to complete multiple tasks regarding career and college planning. Some examples include: exploring careers, searching for job openings, updating resumes, research eucation, training, financial aid and schoalrship information.

Careers in the Military
This website provides descriptions of various careers available in specific branches of the military along with the personal and technical qualifications needed for various careers.

Chegg Prep free flashcards

March2Success This free on-line website has tools to assist student improve their skills in the content areas of English , Math and Science. It also offers students ways to improve their SAT, ACT and ASVAB exam scores. This site is sponsored by the US Army.

My Next Move
A tool to help you search for careers that might match you

NY Career Zone
A great website for students to explore careers.

O Net on-line
This website gives detailed descriptions of various concerns as well as tells trends in careers regarding job outlook.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Great website for researching careers in depth

Working in the New York Beauty Industry: What to Know

This is the K-12 online guidance software we use with students for career and college exploration, resume writing and scholarship searches.